How to Increase Blog Traffic Easly (Get Organic Traffic)

Whenever we create our blog, we think that there will be a lot of traffic on our blog in the coming time.

But sometimes it is not known that.

And we adopt different methods to improve our blog traffic. In which many methods are wrong which proves harmful for our blog.

But don't worry, today in this article, the best ways to Increase traffic on the blog will be told.

So if you stay with us in this article, let's start without wasting time.

    What is the need for blog traffic?


    Traffic has an important role in making blog grow. The more traffic sources on your blog, the more aware of your blog increases.

    Through good traffic on the blog, you can generate good revenue through blog.

    But traffic does not mean bringing traffic to the wrong method because such traffic will be beneficial for your blog for the short term But after some time your blog may get damaged.

    Therefore, you should adopt the right and genuine methods to increase the traffic of your blog.

    Blog Types of Traffic Sources

    1.     Social traffic
    2.     Organic search traffic
    3.     Direct traffic
    4.     Other traffic
    5.     Referral traffic


    Social Traffic:-Traffic that came from social media on your blog

    Organic Search Traffic:-When your blog shows up in search results and someone comes to your blog through it, then it is Organic search traffic.

    Referral Traffic:-If a user comes to your blog from another blog or website, then it is called referral traffic.

    Like any other blog, your blog has a hyperlink and the user clicks on it and comes to your blog.

    Direct Traffic:-When a viewer or user comes to our blog by directly opening the URL of the blog

    Other Traffic:-Traffic coming to your blog which is not recognized by search engines is called use other traffic.

    Great Ways To Increase Blog Traffic

    Now, you know the ways and means through which you can generate a good amount of traffic for blog.

    If you follow these below-given methods well. So it is sure that there will be an improvement in your blog traffic. So let's now know about how to increase blog traffic.

    Quality, Length, Interlinking Content

    It is known that the content of our blog is the life of our blog and it is also true that content is king.

    We should always keep our blog content the best. But it is important to know how to prepare good content? Which will increase our blog traffic.

    Quality content

    Only contnet can bring your blog to the top and the content can bring your blog down.

    And every search engine ranks the quality contnet.

    If you do not improve the quality of your blog content then it decreases the ranking of our blog.

    You can improve the content quality in the following ways

    1. Do not error grammar
    2. Do not make a spelling error
    3. Do not write old content
    4. Content does not contain plagiarism
    5. Use paragraph
    6. Use Heading and Subheading
    7. Use media (image, video, graphic, infographic)

    Contnet Length

    The length of the content also proves useful for your blog. So whenever the post is ready for the blog, then keep the length of the content of the post very good.

    And long content gets a better rank in search engines than short content which is useful for getting organic traffic.

    But also keep in mind that the content length does not mean adding irrelevant content to it.

    Therefore, you should increase the length of the content on the relevant topic. For that, you try to write the content in detail.

    Interlinking Content

    As we mentioned above, it is very important to have good quality of blog content.

    To improve this quality, you can create internal linking in your content.

    When we link an article from an old post to a new post in our blog post, it is called use Internal-linking.


    Eternally linking makes your blog even more informative. And helps in crawling.

    Keyword Research

    If you want to get maximum organic traffic on your blog, then it is very important for you to do keyword research.

    Because organic traffic will come to your blog only when your blog shows up in search engines and in search engines, your blog will be shown only when your blog is on a target keyword.

    Unless you do keyword research, you will not be able to find a target keyword for your blog and you will not be able to target your blog post on any keyword.

    keyword research is the most important point for SEO


    It is very easy to do keyword research, for this, there are many types of tools online with the help of which you can do keyword research for your blog.

    Make sure to use a long-tail keyword. You will get better results in search results.

    Make Your Blog SEO and Mobile-Friendly

    It is very important for your blog to be SEO (search engine optimization) and mobile-friendly as these are two points that affect the ranking of your blog.

    The seo of your blog should be complete, for which you will have to do your blog Off-page, On-page, and Technical seo.

    You can follow the following points to make your blog seo and mobile-friendly

    • Use Responsive & Mobile Friendly Template
    • Custom Domain (Optional)
    • Add Blogger Meta tags
    • Enable Blogger Settings Features
    • Add Right Blogger Robots.txt
    • Blogger Custom Robots Header Tags
    • Search Engine Submission
    • Social media optimization
    • Move your website to HTTPS
    • Increase Blog Loading Speed
    • Check the Navigation of Your Blog
    • Use Right Font Size
    • Blogger SEO Guide for the Blog Post
    • Target Your Post To Right Keyword
    • Optimize Blog Post Titles & Description
    • Optimize Blog Post URL Link
    • Do Internal linking
    • Fix Broken Links
    • Do Not Write Poor Quality content
    • Right content length
    • Correct use of H1, H2, or H3 tags
    • Optimize Images to be Used
    • Never do Keyword Stuffing
    • Use External links
    • Perform URL inspection
    • Image size and format
    • Technical Blogger SEO
    • Do Not Use More Widgets in Your Blog
    • Make Blog Mobile-Friendly
    • Check Your Blog Structure

    Optimize Your Blog Title And Description

    Blog title and description identify your blog and blog post.

    Whenever your blog shows up in search results, then it is the title show of our blog first and then the description shown.

    If both of us do not write better, then it reduces the impression of our blog. For this, it is very important that we work on these two and prepare a better title and description

    Always keep the title attractive and add the main keyword of your post to it and keep the length of the title always in mind, keep the length of the title from 50 to 60 words.

    Description describes your blog post, you write the summary of your blog post in your blog description and also target the keyword in the description.

    Meta Tag For Blog

    For any blog, it is necessary to have a meta tag. Meta tag is the information that tells about our blog and content.

    Because without meta tags the search engine is unable to identify our blog and there is a reason that organic traffic does not come on our blog.

    Therefore, you must add the right meta tag to your blog.

    You must add the following meta tag to your blog

    • For the title of the blog
    • Meta tag for a blog description
    • Meta tag for search description of blog post
    • For the keywords of the blog
    • For the author of the blog
    • For the publisher of the blog
    • for the language of the blog
    • blog's location for country
    • To give index-related information to the crawler.
    • meta tag for robot.txt


    Add Social Share Plugin or Button

    If you want more social traffic on your blog, then you must add a social sharing button on your blog.

    So that anyone can share your blog post on social media. This technique will be very effective for your blog traffic.

    Robots.txt File For Blog

    Robots.txt file has an important role for your blog. If we do not add the robots.txt file to our blog then it affects the crawling and indexing of our blog.

    Because robots.txt file gives search engine the instructions which page of your blog has to be crawled and which page is not

    For this, it becomes necessary that we add the right and useful robots .txt file in our blog

    Fix All Broken Links in The Blog

    Whenever there is an error show of 404 in our blog, it should be resolved quickly. These are broken links that show an error upon opening.

    Broken links affect both our rankings and user experience. To fix the broken link, we need to analyze our blog.

    For this, we can use the online tool with the help of which we can find the broken link of our blog and fix them.

    Fix Crawling And Indexing Error

    Many times it happens that our blog post search engine does not have an index.

    And do not crawl so that our blog posts do not show up in search engines. You should check your webmaster tool to check these errors.

    Often the problem of indexing and crawling is caused by the wrong robot s.txt.So always add the right robots.txt file to your blog.

    Improve Site DA (Domain Authority)

    Domain authority reflects our blog's reputation in search engines. If the domain authority of your blog is high then your blog gets a good rank in search engine.

    And traffic to your site also increases.

    Follow the following points to increase the DA of your blog

    • Write quality content
    • Keep your blog seo ready
    • Create high-quality backlink for blog
    • Fix broken link
    • Use custom domain
    • post regular
    • Do not allow the spam score to increase
    • Improve blog performance

    Write Trending Article

    The best way to bring traffic to your blog is to write an article on the trending topic.

    This method helps you get more traffic quickly.

    And trending articles rank quickly, you can use Google Trend to find trending topics for your blog.

    Create A Backlink For the Blog

    Backlink Best ranking factor These are useful in making our blog reach the top and increase the ranking of the blog.

    backlinks are incoming links coming to our blog. These are useful in increasing the DA of our blog.

    Take care of one thing, you should only create quality backlink for your blog, do not create bad and spam backlink.

    Stay Up To Date With Google Algorithms

    You should always stay updated with Google algorithms.

    If you do not have any information about the updates of Google algorithms then it is not good for your blog.

    Because you will not be updated towards Google algorithms, you will not be able to make your blog ready for that algorithm.

    And due to this, your blog's ranking may also below.

    Do Not Use Short-term Methods To Generate Traffic

    Many times it happens that we do not get success in blogging, then we adopt short ways which can give us success for a short time only.

    They increase the blog's spam score and our blog can be blacklisted too

    For this, you should not adopt the wrong methods and short ways to get traffic. Never use traffic generator and do not submit your blog URL on any unsecured website

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