Easy Way to Reduce Blog Loading Time And Increase Speed (2020)

 If you are a blogger and you have a blog, then the information given in this article today is going to be very effective for you.

So friends, today we will talk about the important topic which is blog loading speed.

    Reduce Blog Loading Time And Increase Speed


    If a user comes to any blog or website, then it is very important to quickly load the website or blog in front of him, because in today's time we get to see many blogs and websites on the Internet. Which will also include your website. And if your website does not load quickly, the user moves to another website.

    Therefore it is very important to have a good loading speed of the blog.

    In today's time, people prefer those blogs whose loading speed is good, and the page loads quickly. But there are some reasons due to which the speed of blogging decreases. Due to which the page does not load quickly in the search engine.

    So friends, know which reason, which reduces the loading speed of our blog. We can increase the speed of our blog by correcting it.

    Whatever methods have been told to you in this article, you must first check the speed of your blog. So that you can know the improvement in the speed of your blog.

    You can use Google's tool page speed Insights to check the speed of the blog. In this pass, your URL and all the information on your pages will be shown in front of you.

    Loading Time

    You can also use the Pingdom tool if you want.

    You can increase the speed of your blog through the below-given point.

    Use Fast loading and SEO Friendly Templet

    To make the speed better in the blog, the first thing to do is to use the best template, which has good loading time and is SEO friendly and mobile-friendly.

    If the template that you have used in the blog has some windage without any work, then remove them.

     Remove unuseful widget

    When we upload a new template in the blog, it contains some unuseful window and code which is not useful for us. Talking about the window, like - search box, achieve, HTML pages, social bar, like the page, etc.

    If possible, use those windows that are useful for you in your blog. Like -

    • social bar
    • menu bar
    • footer bar
    • popular post
    • featured post

    How to remove unused widgets

    Open your Blogger account and click on the layout, you will have all the widget shows which are not useful for you, you can remove them.

    The image takes care of properties

    Image is the biggest factor in the loading of the site, for this, it is very important to use the image in the post in a coherent manner and take care of its properties.

    Always keep the image size low, if the size is high then resize and compress the image

    Stop other site redirection

    Many times, to see many popups and pop popup notification in our site, put js and CSS code on our site from some site so that our site looks good.

    But when these popup notifications are loaded on your website, they consume time, which increases the loading time of your site.

    Show fewer ads on site

    When we see more ads on our site, we forget that these ads consume time while loading on our site, so show fewer ads.

    Minimum Post on the Home page

    Whenever a user comes on the blog, our blog post is shown in front of him, but only 6 to 7 posts to be shown, which will load the site quickly.

    For this, you can go to your blogger's setting and change it

    Remove unused CSS and JS

    Follow these points only if you have knowledge of coding

    You have some ac CSS or js in your blogger template which is not useful and we cannot remove them from the layout, for this, we have to edit the theme of the blog.

    Whenever you edit the template, you must back up the template.

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