24+ Best On-Page SEO Tools (Must Use) in 2020

In today's time, it has become difficult to rank your site in any search engine. If our site has good SEO and the content is unique then our site gets a good rank.


So today we will know about a part on-page of SEO, some tools that will prove beneficial for your website.

24+ Best On-Page SEO Tools



    There  SEO is the best tool in the field that proves very useful to make your website grow.

    If you have used the aherf tool, then you can remove complete information about your competitor's website.

    They show you the best results, which is helpful for your website.

    1. Rank tracking
    2. Web monitoring
    3. Competitive analysis
    4. Backlink result

    Aherf's Backlink Checker


    Aherf is a paid tool. par is a sub tool of aherf. aherf’s backlink checker that you get for free.

    By which you can check your website or other website's backlinks.

    It provides domain information.

    • Number of referring domain
    • Backlink Number
    • DR (domain authority)
    • Top 5 Authors
    • Top 5 pages
    • Top 100 backlink

    Link Miner

    Link Miner

    If your website has a Broken link, then Link Miner is a good tool to check it.

    So by analyzing the URL on your website, it displays valid in green and broken links in red color.

    With this, you can also export the CSV report.

    Google Search Console

    Google search console is a tool of Google for ranking in Google search results. Google search console is very useful.

    Google-Search Console

    It crawls your website. And checks your ranking, keyword, page, error, warning, impression, etc.

    They also notify you of the error of your website. and Google search console is useful for indexing your URL in Google.

    Alexa Site Info


    This tool Alexa Site Info will help you to know the ranking of the site. With this tool, you can get the following information.

    1. Alexa Rank
    2. Ranking keyword
    3. Site linking
    4. Similar sites
    5. Website loading speed
    6. Search analytics

    Find Broken Link 

    The use of this tool helps you find broken links/deadlinks on your website. So that you can find them on your website and remove them.

    PageSpeed Insight

    The page speed insight tool created by Google proves useful in analyzing the speed factor of the website.


    I have also used this tool and corrected them by analyzing the speed factor of my website and increasing the page speed.

    If you want to know how the speed of your website is, then you can also use Page speed insight.

    Similar Web

    A similar web is used to comparison traffic between websites. With this help, you can analyze the competitor.


    This will prove very useful for you


    Many times it happens that the content that we take in our post is duplicate content but it is difficult to find this content.


    But to make it simple you can use siteliner so that you can analyze the content of your site and find duplicate content.

    Not only this, it checks your website's broken link, page size, page speed, internal links, etc.

    Screaming Frog SEO Spider

    Screaming Frog SEO tool is a desktop program that crawls the URLs of your website and audits the technical & onsite SEO.

    This tool has the following functions.

    • Find Broken Links
    • Audit Redirects
    • Crawl JavaScript Websites
    • Review Robots & Directives
    • Generate XML Sitemaps
    • Extract Data with XPath
    • Integrate with Google Analytics
    • Analyze Page Titles & Meta Data
    • Discover Duplicate Content


    This is a free SEO tool, it analyzes your website and shows the results. This tool is good for checking on-page SEO.

    Moz on-page grader

    This tool analyzes the SEO of your website and shows the SEO factor, it is useful for you to get the SEO of your page imported.



    This is a free tool, you can check the following using this tool

    1. Page matrix
    2. Domain Authority
    3. Backlinks
    4. Keyword usage
    5. Website speed
    6. Off-page metrics

    Moz’s Link Explorer

    Moz’s Link Explorer is the best SEO tool of Moz that helps in analyzing your site.


    You can use it for free in this, you get a socks bar from which you can analyze any page and see the results quickly.

    It instantly matrixes the SERP of a site's page.

    Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

    This is a tool created by Google, with the help of this you can check whether your website is mobile-friendly or not.


    For website ranking, it is necessary to be mobile-friendly, that is why you must also make your site Google's Mobile-Friendly Test

    At the same time, it also shows the issues that occur in your site which you can solve.


    Neil Patel is the most used tool for keyword research, its developer is very easy to use.


    In this you can overview the site

    Woorank - SEO & Website Analysis

    This is also the best free SEO tool in which you can generate SEO report on the website and also provides SEO tips.

    This tool is useful for you in improving your ranking.



    Useful to analyze the loading time of your website in which it analyzes your website and shows all the factors that have increse the loading time of your site.



    This tool will be effective for you, in which you can check your URL, title, meta description, how will it appear in the search result.

    Make sure to use this tool so that you can make your URL, title, meta description SEO friendly.

    Ahrefs' Broken Link Checker


    This is a product of ahref in which you can find the available broken link in your site.
    It is very important to remove the broken link from your site.

    Robots.txt Generator


    This tool generates a robots.txt file for your website. In which you can generate robot.txt code according to your customization.

    keep-alive Validation SEO Tool


    This tool is used to check persistent connections and in this, you can also check bulk URLs.


    Lighthouse is a Chrome extension of Google, in which you can audit your site and show the error factor of your site and display the score of your site.

    Google Alert


    Many times we have indexed the post in the public search engine, we do not know whether our site is indexed or not, then this tool will help you whenever your new 
    post comes in the search engine, it will alert you will do.



    It is a powerful tool that is useful for doing content and backlink and more.
    If you have a problem finding the content, then you can use buzzsumo.

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