Blogger Technical SEO: Complete Guide For Beginners

We know that SEO plays an important role in ranking any blog in search engines.

When it comes to seo your blog. So by seo on-page seo and off-page, we believe that our blogger SEO has completed.

But it is not so. Just as on-page and off-page is necessary for the seo of your blog. Similarly, technical seo is also very important for your blog.

Technical seo plays an important role in blog ranking.


So stay with us today in this article, in which you will be given complete information about your Blogger Technical SEO.

And you will be able to know very well what is technical seo and how to do technical seo of blogger blog

So without wasting time, first of all, know that this technical seo is done, let's start

What is Technical SEO

This is a seo type. Technical seo proves useful for ranking any blog and website in any search engine.


Structure, Performance, Crawling, Sitemap, Redirect and User Experience etc. of our blog or website come within the technical seo.

To improve all these things, you have to do the technical seo of your blog.

Is it necessary to do technical seo of the blog?

If you want your blog to come to a good position in the search engine so that there is good traffic generate on your blog then for your blog.

Technical seo becomes very important when many people have issues regarding indexing and crawling of their blog URLs, in which their URLs are not indexed and are not crawled.

So the biggest reason for this is that the technical seo of your blog is not good.

How To Do Technical SEO For Blogger

You can adopt the below-mentioned technical seo technics for the technical seo of your blog.

Blog Speed Optimization

It is necessary to have a good loading speed for any blog.

Because the speed of your blog will be as good as the speed, and the sooner your blog opens, then the visitors who visit your blog will get the content of your blog soon.

Which reduces the chance of increasing the bounce rate of your site. 

When we are our new blog, then his blog speed is good but over time the same speed decreases.

So to increse this speed back, we have to do speed optimization.

So let's know how you can optimize your blog speed

Follow the below points to optimize your blog speed.

  1. Reduce Blog Loading Time And Increase Speed
  2. Use Fast loading and SEO Friendly Templet
  3.  Remove unuseful widget
  4. The image takes care of properties
  5. Stop other site redirection
  6. Show fewer ads on site
  7. Minimum Post on the Home page
  8. Remove unused CSS and JS

Perfect Robot.Txt

This is the most important technic of technical seo which is useful to control our blog in search engines.


Robot .txt is a code file. Which is to tell any search engine which part of our blog to crawled and which not.

If we do not submit robots.txt file in our blog or submit the wrong robots.txt. So your blog will never be crawled.

So when the robots submit the blog.txt file, then it should be thoroughly checked.

In simple words, Robot.txt gives you instructions to search engine, which URL to index and crawl and which one not to Crawl.

Use Canonical Tag

If you also want to protect against duplicate content in your blog, then you must use the canonical tag in your blogger blog.

The canonical tag is also a technical term that helps search engines know that your URL is unique.

Suppose your blog has 5 blog posts and has indexed them in the search engine but you have not used the canonical tag.

So by taking the meta tags of all your posts, the issue of duplicate content will arise.

If you use the canonical tag, then the search engine will understand that the 5 posts you have are all different.

To add the canonical tag to your blogger, paste the code below into your blogger template.

Http to Https Redirections

If you are opening your blog at HTTP, then it is no better than SEO's point of view you should open your blog on https only becauseThis provides the security of our blog.

And whenever a visitor comes to our blog, the same motive remains of the blog from which the information he is taking is secure and provides correct information.

To redirect your blogger blog from HTTP to https, you can go to your blogger settings and change

Also Read: Featured Posts Widget For Blogger 

Blogger Sitemap

Your blog's sitemap is also part of the technical seo.

Submitting to the sitemap search engine is very important as the search engine crawls your blog based on the sitemap of your blog.

sitemap contains the technical structure of your blog.

Mobile-Friendly Blog

It is very important for any blog to be mobile-friendly. Because more than half of the visitors to your blog come from mobile internet.

To get traffic from the mobile user on your blog, it is necessary for your blog to be mobile-friendly.

Mobile-friendly means that your blog is open properly in mobile, responsive and fast.

And whenever your blog is open in mobile then its navigation should work properly

If your blog is not mobile-friendly then the number of mobile users on your blog will decrease.

 And traffic will also come down from the mobile internet.

So you must make your blog mobile-friendly

Remove Broken link

Often we forget about remoting broken links in our blog and while these broken links are very harmful for our blog seo, it is very important to remove them from our blog.

Broken links are those links that are not working and the links that come in error when opened are called broken links.

You must remove the broken link of your blogger blog, you can use the online broken link checker tools to check the broken link of your blog.

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