Best FREE tools for Bloggers (Forever Helpful) Must Use

 When we talk about what is the best free tools for bloggers? 

With the help of which bloggers can work on their blog easily. And he can make his blogging journey easier.

So today you remain with us in this informative article. In which you will be told about the best free bloggers tools.

Today the tools that will be described will be very useful for your blog. So let's start. Without wasting time.

Best Free Bloggers Tools

FREE tools for Bloggers

Below are several types of tools described. You can easily use the tool that you find useful for you. So let's know about these tools


Canva is a graphic design website, using which you can create logos, thumbnail, banners, posters etc. That too free.


With its help, you can create an attractive and stylish thumbnail ready for your blog.

And you can take your ready design in any format whether png, jpg etc.

In it, you get pre-prepared templates for design. Which you can edit and make thumbnail ready for your blog.


If your English grammar is weak. And if there is a grammar error in your article, then use Grammarly for free.

With its help, you can check the spelling and grammatical errors of your article. With the help of this tool, you can improve the quality of your article content.


If you also want to create a great logo for your blog. Then this tool will be helpful for your blog.

Because with its help you can create a stylish and good quality logo. So you must use the Logomakr tool.


Often we use some screen short and capture images in our blog post. You can use cloudapp to take this screenshot.


You can also do screen recording in this tool. This is a chrome extension. Which you can use for free.



BuzzSumo is a powerful tool. Using which you can find a topic for your blog.


With the help of this, you can find the topic of every category. And you can also find the keyword as well.


If you also have trouble finding the topic of your blog, backlink. So you can use BuzzSumo.


This is a question-answer site. With the help of which you can get answers to your question.


But you must be wondering how it is useful for bloggers.


So with the help of this, you can take a topic for your blog post. This is the best source, with the help of which you can take both topics and traffic for your blog.

If you go to quora and search for your topic, many ideas related to it will show you.

Google Trend

Google Trend is the best product of Google itself. This is a free tool with the help of which you can keyword search. And you can also find a relative topic from the topic.

google trend

And at the same time, you can know about those topics which are currently in trend.

In this, you can compare between different topics and keywords and know which topic or keyword is best for you.

SERP Simulator

This is a free tool. With the help of which you can know how to show in your blog title and description search engine.


You can preview your title and description using this tool.

You must use it, with the help of which you will know how to look in your title and description SERP.

And at the same time, there is a suggestion of your length that you have to keep the title and how much length of the description.


Sometimes our page has a loading time. So it takes a lot of time to load a blog page. And this is the biggest reason for taking the time an image size.


When we use high-resolution images in our blog. So this increases the size of our page and takes time to load the page.


You can use Tinyjpg to reduce this image size. Which will compress the size of the image easly.


Using it will not make any difference in the quality of your image.

Also Read: 24+ Best On-Page SEO Tools (Must Use) in 2020


Many times it happens that there is duplicate content in our blog. But we do not know which content of the blog is duplicate.


You can use Siteliner to solve the same thing. It analyzes the entire content of the blog and tells you which content is duplicated.

Once you use it, you must analyze the content of your blog.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

This is a SEO tool. With the help of which you can analyze your blog. This is the best tool to audit your blog.

In these tools, you get the following functions.

  • Find Broken Links
  • Audit Redirects
  • Crawl JavaScript Websites
  • Review Robots & Directives
  • Generate XML Sitemaps
  • Extract Data with XPath
  • Integrate with Google Analytics
  • Analyze Page Titles & Meta Data
  • Discover Duplicate Content

Robots.txt Generator

This is the best tool for a blogger. Because with this tool you can generate the right Robots.txt file generator for your blogger blog.

Robots.txt Generator

In these tools, you get a complete facility of Robots.txt Generator. You can select according to which link to allow and which ones to disallow.

Link miner

There are some links in our blog, which give an error upon opening. Such links are broken links.

Link miner

If these links are in our blog, then they are very harmful to our blog.

These links should be remitted as soon as possible. For this, you can use Link Miner.

Aherf's Backlink Checker

ahref is a paid tool. But we can use Aherf's Backlink Checker for free. We help you check your blog and your competitor's backlink for free.

Aherf's Backlink Checker

When you check the link in it, you can get the following information

  • It provides domain information.
  • Number of referring domain
  • Backlink number
  • DR (domain authority)
  • Top 5 Authors
  • Top 5 pages
  • Top 100 backlink

Tools For SEO Audit

  1. Google Webmaster Tool
  2. Ahref
  3. Alexa
  4. SEMrush
  5. Moz
  6. SimilarWeb
  7. SiteAnalyzer
  8. Deep Crawl
  9. SEOptimer
  10. SpyFu

Tools For Keyword Research

  1. Google Keyword Planner
  2. Long Tail Pro
  3. Google Trend
  4. Answer The Public
  5. Soovle
  6. LSIGraph
  7. Ubersuggest

Tools For Speed Test And Performance

  1. Page Speed Insights
  2. GTmetrix
  3. Pingdom

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