17+ Latest SEO Trend (2020) Which is Necessary For Blog & Website

But in the current time, it is very important to have a Trending SEO for ranking the website. 

So today we will know about this topic Latest SEO Trend. What is this SEO trend and how will it be helpful in ranking your website.

The SEO trend simply means that there are certain things in the current that will help to improve the SEO score of your website.

Latest SEO Trend

    What is SEO Trend or SEO Update

    Whichever search engine you are working on. Whether it is Google, Bing, Yahoo search engines. To rank in all these search engines it is very important to have a good SEO of the website.

    But from time to time, search engines are also changed in SEO. And some new SEO updates are brought.

    It is not that SEO Optimization Algorithm is the same for every search engine. Rather some algorithms are similar, but some are different.

    With this algorithmic updates which come in the SEO and it becomes necessary for the SEO of your 

    website, then it is called SEO trend or SEO update.


    If you currently have a blog or you have a website. So you will know what is the importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your Blogger SEO or website SEO.

    So today we will talk about that trending SEO. Which will prove useful in getting a good rank in the search engine of your website and will help in improving the traffic of the website? So let's start.

    List of Latest SEO Trend For Blog & Website

    1. Voice Search Optimization (VSEO)


    In today's time, the use of voice assistant has become very much, so that you can any voice searchBut do you know How voice search optimization is effective for the SEO of your website? Let us know.

    When there was no voice assistant earlier, then we used to type in the search engine to search anything 

    and used to search, but when voice assistant came to you, then you can search anything by speaking.

    How to VSEO For Your Website

    More than half of the people use Voice Search for searches. So it also becomes necessary. Your website should also have Voice Search Optimization.

    To make your website search Voice Search Optimization you can follow these following points.

    1. The starting paragraph of your post should be 60 words.
    2. Include question in your title or heading.
    3. Put information point to point in post.
    4. Post user friendly.
    5.  Focus on Phrases and Longtail Keywords.
    6. SEO trend needs done.
    7. Keep your website off-page and on-page SEO.

    In most voice search, starring is due to the combination of these keywords. So you can use these words in a way to provide information in your content.

    • How
    • What
    • Best
    • The
    • Where
    • Can
    • Top
    • Easy
    • Why
    • Good
    • Make
    • Does
    • Define
    • Types
    • Do

    2. Website speed

    Whether in real life or digital, we prefer fast speed only. Similarly, the speed of our site is also a 

    major part of the SEO trend. In which the speed of our site should be good.

    Because whenever a visitor or crawler comes to our site. So in front of it, the first impression of our site is the speed of our site. Therefore, fast loading of our site is also very important.


    We use a lot of plugin and widget in our site decoration and design. Thereby increse the loading time of the blog and website. And our site opens in minutes, not in seconds. Which has a bad impact on our site.

    Due to which the visitor leaves our website and moves to another website.

    So this is my opinion. Improve your site's speed and remove unused CSS, js, images, and URLs from your site.

    How to check website speed

    A lot of tools will be available to check the speed of your website online. With the help of which you 

    can get information about the speed of your website.

    I mostly use Pagespeed Insights and Gmatrix to analyze the speed of my site.

    3. Featured Snippets

    Featured Snippets are very useful in SEO trends. Many people know about Featured Snippets. And many people do not know about it.

    Featured Snippets

    But I believe that everyone is public about it and you must have seen Featured Snippets at some time. If 

    you do not see it then no problem, you will get complete information about it.

    What is Featured Snippets

    When you do search any query in the search engine. So in the search result, you might have seen something like a first-rank show like an image is happening.

    The show which occurs in the blog or video featured Snippets. It looks like this. | Which is called 

    Featured Snippets.

    The position at which these Featured Snippets occur is called # 0 position.

    If your post is a show in Featured Snippet. So the chances of traffic on your blog increase.

    So let's know the types of Featured Snippets

    1. Snippets in text form:

    text form

    In the search results for a long time, we get only in Snippets in text form. In which we do some search in the search engine. So there is a result show in Featured Snippets. Which is related to the query you searched.

    2. Video snippets:

    Videos are also shown as Featured Snippets. When the search engine does not find any posts related to the search query. And if there is any video related to the same search query. Then it comes in Video snippets.

    3.Table snippets:

    When you do some search for a job or a company. So often you will get to see table snippets. In which 

    you must have seen the results related to Jobs.

    How to bring your posts to Featured Snippets

    To bring your post to Featured Snippets, follow these following points.

    1. Always keep the content of your post genuine.
    2. Good on-page and off-page SEO of your site.
    3. Heading and all headings are used properly.
    4. The placement of the keyword in the post should be correct and the post should be on a target keyword.
    5. Generate Schema markup for your post.
    6. Use the table of content in the post.
    7. If possible, use a question-based Keyword in your post.

    4. Videos and Media

    You also know. How much the use of multimedia has increased in today's time. Similarly, video and image have a very important role for a good post.


    If you use media in your content. So a different life comes in your content. That is why we must always use informative media in our content. They are also useful for ranking our website.

    You can do many types of media in your article or blog, like

    • Podcast
    • Image
    • Infographic
    • Content Table etc.

    Also Read: How to Add SEO Friendly Meta Tags to blogger


    5. Mobile UX Compatibility

    It is very important for your website or blog to be mobile-friendly. This is the biggest factor for SEO 


    Mobile-Friendly Website means that your website is shown correctly in mobile. Responsive our site in 


    If your site does not open properly on mobile or it is not responsive. So it is sure that the mobile user ranking on your website will be reduced.

    That's why you make your website mobile-friendly.

    What is the importance of mobile UX?

    You know. Currently, web searches are more on mobile. That means more traffic comes from mobile users on your site.

    According to sources, more than 50% of searches on the Internet is on mobile. So, it becomes very important for your site to be mobile-friendly.

    We should analyze our blog or website from time to time.

    Because if we do not analyze our website ourselves, then we will not be able to know about the SEO of our site.

    And we will not be able to fix the error of our site. That is why we should analyze our site from time to time.

    6. Write High-Quality Content

    Content is the life of your website. If the content of the website or blog will not be good and best. So 

    this is not good for your website from the point of view of SEO.

    If you want to get a high rank in search engines and improve the quality of your website. For this, we will have to make high-quality content public on the website.

    Because the content of the website is king.

    The better the quality of content, the more chances you have of ranking in the search engines.

    Just as a high-quality backlink is required for a website. Similarly, high-quality content is required for 

    the website.

    How should the quality content be?

    To know in simple terms, content that is more informative in a proper language.

    It is not that your content has the following types of problems.

    1. Grammar Error
    2. Spelling Error
    3. Content With Old Information
    4. Poor Content
    5. No User-Friendly Content
    6. Unreadable

    How to make high quality?

    1. Be uniqueness in content
    2. Be SEO friendly
    3. Fresh content
    4. Contain content paragraph
    5. have readable content
    6. Using Heading and Sub Heading in Your Content
    7. Easy to understand
    8. No grammar error
    9. Proper sentence
    10. There should be expressions in the content.
    11. Importance of Quality Content

    If you publish high-quality content then you have a chance of getting social share and backlink.

    And at the same time, your content can also get a good rank in search engines.

    Also Read: 24+ On-Page SEO Tools (Must Use) 

    7. Content-Length

    Content length and quality content keep important in SEO trends. Just as the quality of the content should be good. Similarly, the length of the content should also be good.

    If the quality of your content is good and at the same time its length is also high, then the chances of 

    getting the top rank in the search engine of your blog content is very high.

    Note: Increasing the length of the content does not mean that you add irrelevant content to it.

    If you increase the length of the content, it means that you are only adding content related to that 


    According to the source If the length of the content is above 2000 words. So the length of that content is considered good.

    Benefits of increasing the length of content

    1. Get more share
    2. More Audience
    3. Increase Dwell Time
    4. Higher Ranking
    5. Decrease Bounce Rate etc.

    8. CTR and Dwell Time:

    The importance of CTR has become too much for the website. That is why it is also a role in the SEO trend. If you ignore the CTR, you miss a lot.

    CTR (Click Through Rate) means that whenever a user performs a query search in the search engine, and your website or blog shows as often as that search result. 

    And every time the user clicks your website or blog So the average of show and click of that website is called CTR.

    The higher the CTR of your blog, the higher the ranking in the search engine of your blog or website 

    will be.

    CTR Formula

    CTR = Impression * Click / 100

     Dwell Time tells you that a visitor came to your website and how much time he spent on your website.

    In easy language, if a visitor came to your website. And he spent 5 minutes on your site. So the dwell 

    time of the site will be 5 minutes.

    9. Website Security

    You might be thinking, how is the website security part of the SEO trend?

    But it is like that, website security is imported into the SEO trend.

    Website security also affects your ranking. Because along with Google, the visitor also wants that the website from which he is taking information. Is it secure? Or not?


    If your site is not SSL certified. So this is the biggest factor in website security. It is very important for the website to be trusted, whether it is for search engines or visitors.

    SSL is Secure Sockets Layer, which contains Cryptography Security in your site.

    If your site or blog is loaded on HTTP, then you must redirect it to https, it will prove in improvement of your website security.

    10. Schema Markups

    Schema markups of your site or blog is also the best factor of SEO trend.

    Schema markups help search engines understand this. What is the intensity of your site?

    It is helpful for the user experience.

    Types of Schema Markups:

    1. Articles
    2. People
    3. Organizations
    4. Local Businesses
    5. Events
    6. Products
    7. Reviews
    8. Recipes
    9. Medical conditions

     These following schemas give information about your site.

    11. FAQs Schemas

    This makes your content more informative. Whenever we do some search in a search engine, then we get many results shows.

    But some search results have such websites, whose questions and answers are recommended below.


    Know in even more simple language, when the results show in the search engine. They have some recommend questions and answers. Which are called FAQs schema

    You can also add FAQ to the content of your website, so that whenever your URL is shown in search engines. Then your FAQS will also be shown below it. It improves your content and the SERPquality of the site.

    12. Power Full Backlink With Relevancy

    Backlink has an important role in making a site or blog reach a high ranking in search engines.

    The backlink search engine helps in increasing the authority and trust of our site. The backlink will be available from different sites on your site. The more they will be beneficial for your site.


    But the more useful the backlink is, the more difficult it is to make. Because when making backlink we 

    have to take many types of precautions.

    Because if we take backlink even from a website whose spam score is high while making backlink, it 

    increases the chance of increasing the spam score of our site.

    We can create two types of backlinks for our website. Can create Do-follow and No-follow. In which do-follow backlink proves to be a powerful link to the site.

    Take backlink from relative website only

    The importance of backlink is very high in SEO because backlink is a powerful ranking factor.

    But we should also keep in mind that the website from which the backlink is taken. Is it related to the 

    website or not?

    Keep in mind that the website you are taking backlink from is related to your website.

    13. LSI Keywords

    The full form of LSI is latent semantic indexing, which means related to the target keyword or main keyword or similar keyword.LSI is a type of SEO technique.

    If you use the LSI keyword in your content, it increases the search relevancy of your content. And your content becomes SEO friendly. It is useful to get ranking in your search engine.

    How to Find LSI Keyword?

    You can use the following tools for LSI keyword research.

    1. Google keyword planner
    2. LSI graph (Best Tool For LSI keyword)
    3. Soolve
    4. Semrush

    14. Perfect Keyword Research

    If we make our article public in the search engine with a target keyword, then there is a lot of chance that our articles should be ranked in the SERP. To find this target keyword, we have to do keyword research.

    If you think that without keyword research you can get your blog or website a top rank in the search engine. You are wrong.

    Keyword research is the first priority for a blogger and website.

    Best Tool for Perfect Keyword Research

    1. Google Trend
    2. Google Auto Suggest
    3. Searches Related To
    4. Answer the Public
    5. Google Keyword Planner
    6. Soovle
    7. Ubersuggest
    8. Moz Keyword Explorer
    9. SEMrush
    10. Ahref

    There is a lot of importance of SEO type in SEO Trend. Because there is any website or blog, they cannot achieve success without SEO. Until its SEO is the best.


    To make this SEO the best and increase the SEO score of the site, the on-page, off-page, and technical SEO of the site should be good. Let us also know about them.

    15. On-page SEO

    To make our website user friendly and attractive, the optimization on the website is called. On page 


    If the on-page SEO of your website is not perfect, then your website will never become the best website for search engines.

    In simple language, on-page SEO provides a user-friendly interface to our site. you can use an on-page SEO tool for increse SEO.

    16. Off-Page SEO

    Just like we do on-page SEO to optimize the internal part of our website.Off-page SEO is done to optimize the outside part of the website.

    Off-page SEO we are used to increase the SERP ranking of our website. For our website who make backlinkmake directory submission, do web submission. These are all part of off-page SEO.


    17. Technical SEO

    Very few people know about technical seo. But it is also a type of seo.In which the users of the website check the experience and optimize the site.

    With the help of technical seo, we improve the performance and user experience of the website.  And technical seo helps our website to be fast crawled and indexed.

    Technical seo for website & blog

    1. Mobile Friendliness
    2. Http to Https Redirections
    3. SSL Certificate
    4. HTML and XHTML Validation
    5. W3C CSS Validation
    6. Speed Optimization
    7. Check Your Website Crawlable
    8. Robots.txt
    9. Duplicate Content
    10. Broken link Checkup
    11. Sitemap

    18. Provide Right & Valuable Content

    This is the first task of all bloggers and websites that we publish only the right and valuable content 

    on our website or blog.

    Because whenever the visitor comes to our site, he comes to the same thinking that he will get the best content on our website and if we provide him wrong information. So the rating of our site is decrease.

    That is why we should always publish right, fresh, and valuable content.

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