13+ Actionable Blogging Tips For New Bloggers To (Get Success)

Today, many things are going on, one of them is blogging which is no longer a part-time work but a business can be prepared with the help of blogging and if we achieve success in blogging then we can generate a good income for ourselves.

That's why many people often do blogging for their passion, while many people do blogging to money.

Blogging can get started easily but the journey  of blogging is difficult to reach further.


Because during blogging, we have to take care of the Blogger SEO, marketing, traffic things.

And if there is any deficiency in them, then the journey of blogging proves difficult.

To solve this difficulty, today we will tell you about blogging tips for new bloggers, which you can achieve success.

Without wasting time, you know which blogging tips you can use to make your blogger blog reach a good point, then you are ready, So let's start

Best Blogging Tips For Bloggers

#1. Make The Foundation of Your Blogger Blog Strong

When we start our blogging journey and if we started our blogger blog on a topic or niche in the starring itself, there is no knowledge about it

So you can never take your blog forward for a long time

And no, you will be able to give any better and unique information to the visitors coming to your blog.

So that your blogging journey will be on the verge of ending before it starts.


If you want to run your blog for a long time, then make your blogger blog on a topic that you knowledge and you have a good knowledge of the topic.

And you can give such unique information from your blog which is rarely available on the internet.

So you can prolong your blog in blogging.

Special Suggestion

When you start your blog, you must first do a keyword researcher as you are studying the category in which you are blogging through keyword research.

For that, you will be able to find a topic whose competition is low so that the chances of ranking of your blog increase.

When you do keyword research, you can also find a related subtopic from your topic that you can use in your blog.

Do not create a blog on multi topics, create a single niche blog, it will get you rank quickly in search engines.

#2.Value Quality And Unique Content

Everyone knows that content is the strength of a blog and content is king.

If you think that you can get rank in your blogging field without quality content then it is not possible


You should be honest and unique information with your content. we cannot even rank in search engines without good content.

So you can understand how important is the quality content for your blog. For this, you should write a high-quality content for the blog.

You can follow the following points for content quality improvement

  1. No plagiarism in content
  2. not a grammar problem
  3. contnet is in a proper language
  4. Must not be an old contnet
  5. Heading and subheading in content
  6. content should be indifferent paragraphs
  7. Content be informative

#3. Follow SEO Friendly Structure in the Blog

SEO (search engine optimization) has an important role in ranking in search engines. This tip proves very helpful in Blogging Tips for Bloggers.

Because we can improve our blog's seo score by following seo friendly structure in our blog and make your blog seo friendly.


seo friendly structure means to use seo technique in your blog i.e. to improve both off-page seo and on-page seo of your blog.

You can follow the following tips to make your blog SEO friendly.

  1. Use the responsive theme
  2. Important blogger must add a meta tag to the blog
  3. Make your blogger theme mobile-friendly
  4. Add Right Blogger Robots.txt
  5. Blogger Custom Robots Header Tags
  6. Search Engine Submission
  7. Social media optimization
  8. Move your website to HTTPS
  9. Increase Blog Loading Speed
  10. Fix Broken Links
  11. Do Not Use More Widgets in Your Blog
  12. Create Good Navigation

For Blog Post

  1. Optimize Blog Post Titles & Description
  2. Optimize Blog Post URL Link
  3. Target Your Post To Right Keyword
  4. Do Internal linking
  5. Do Not Write Poor Quality content
  6. Use heading and subheading
  7. Optimize Images to be Used
  8. Never do Keyword Stuffing
  9. Image size and format

#4. Create a Blogging Strategy For Your Blog

There is a very important role in our blogging career that what we do blogging strategy for our blog

What kind of article will you post on when you post and on which topic will you write a post, this is the strategy of your blogging. Which is very helpful in your blogging.


Therefore you should prepare a strategy for your blog, you will not be able to run your blog for a long time without any strategy.


Blogging statergy simply means scheduling the work you will do on the blog.

#5.Don't Forget To Do Social Media Marketing

These tips are very useful in blogging tips for new bloggers, social marketing is a platform for any blogger.Through which he can identify his blog and can approve his blog

So whenever we start our blogger blog then we must create a social profile of our blog. It is very useful in any type of blogging.


You can increase the brand value of your blog from social media, for this you will need to build a social relationship with your blog.

Through social media marketing, your blogger can also increse the traffic of the blog and can gain new visitors as well.

So you too must follow these tips in your blogging

#6. Do Creative Blogging

These tips are going to give you some happiness because with these tips you will know how you can do creative blogging for your blog.


Whenever a visitor comes to our blog, then the visitor has only one intension to visit our blog

That he got the right information on our blog.

 If we provide a friendly and creative interface to the visitor then that is a plus point for our blog.

I think you will not understand this creativity, so let me tell it through point.

You can adopt the following points to make your blogger blog creative

  1. Proper use of heading and subheading
  2. Use of media (image, graphics, infographic, video,)
  3. Use of Table of Contents for Good Navigation
  4. Use the table if necessary
  5. Use responsive and attractive blogger widgets in your blog
  6. Keep font style, font color, font size better
  7. Write long content but write relevant content
  8. Use the FAQ schema

#7. Replying to Comments

In which you have to make sure that whatever visitors comment on your blog, you must reply and update their comment.

Whose visitor feels that how active you are with your blog. Which increases the trust of the visitor over us. So and next time he comes on our blog

#8. Must Use Blogging Tool

Blogging tools are very helpful in making our work easy, we should use blogging tools for this.

Then you will be told some such tools which will prove useful for your site blogging for bloggers.

So let's know about those tools.

SEO Audit Tool

Google webmaster Tool This is a Google product in which you can submit your blogger blog to Google. Together you can also know how your blog's performance is

Ahref is a paid tool that will help you audit your blog with this, you can also find a good keyword for your blog. 

Moz You can get information about your blog's authority, links, and spam scores with the help of this tool.

Similar web This tool is helpful for comparing between any website. With its help, you can keep an eye on your blog competitor.

Broken link checker This tool will find those links in your blog which are not working and have an error.

Keyword Research Tools

  1. Ahref
  2. SEMrush
  3. Google Trend
  4. Google Auto Suggest
  5. Keyword Planner
  6. Ubersuggest

Blog Analytics Tools

  1. Google Analytics

Speed ​​& performance Test Tools

  1. PageSpeed ​​Insights
  2. Pingdom
  3. Gtmetrix

E-Mail Marketing Tool

  1. Customer.io
  2. Campaign monitor
  3. MailChimp

#9.Do Not Use Shortcuts for Success in Blogging

These tips mean a lot for blogging tips for new bloggers. In blogging, bloggers often remove shortcuts to gain success so that they can gain more traffic for their blogs.


But the biggest mistake of some early bloggers is that if they adopt such terms then they get the benefit for some time.

But after some time it may prove to be wrong for our blog. Due to which the spam score of our blog can also increase, which is not good for any new blogger.

#10. Make a Blog Post By Doing Keyword Research

If we do post preparation without keyword research, then it is proven that we will not know about the search volume and competition of that keyword.

The only motive to do keyword research is that we can find a target keyword or focus keyword for our blog post, whose competition is low and search volume is high.

#11. Maintain Patience in Blogging

It is difficult to make a good identity in blogging but not easy When we create a blog for new bloggers, then their thinking is the same to take that blog forward for a long time.

But after some time when he does not get any traffic on his blog and does not get success, he gets out of blogging.

You should not do this because if you will keep your patience and keep working and do not adopt any shortcut then you will be able to reach your blog to a good place.

#12.Optimize Your Blog Content Smartly

Like we have just learned how important content is for our blog. One thing we should always keep in mind is that in our blog content


Do not compromise, try to publish as good content as you can provide good content. For good content, you optimize your content which bloggers often do not.

Optimizing content means that you make blog contnet seo friendly and user friendly. So let's know how you can optimize your content

To optimize content you can adopt the following tips

  1. Write your blog post on a target keyword(For this you do keyword research)
  2. Write readable and clean content
  3. Make keyword placement of your target or focus keyword correctly
  4. Use Semantic Keywords
  5. Keep your blog title attractive (must add your focus keyword)
  6. Prepare a good blog description
  7. Do internal linking in your post
  8. Use media (image, infographic, video)
  9. Use heading and subheading
  10. Write the contents of the post in paragraph
  11. categorize the post with label
  12. Avoid doing keyword stuffing

PRO Blogging Tips For New Bloggers

  1. Always positive for our work
  2. Post the rules or keep your posting schedule
  3. Write new, fresh and unique content
  4. Ready your blog's seo and user friendly interface
  5. improve title and description
  6. Share the post on social networking site
  7. Make guest posting
  8. Create backlinks from time to time
  9. Keep doing link building
  10. Bring newness to your content
  11. Reduce Blog loading time
  12. Make good relationships with other bloggers related to your blog
  13. Be updated towards your blog niche
  14. Make a post by doing keyword research
  15. Keep auditing your blog from time to time
  16.  Keep researching for blog ideas and analyze your competitor
  17. Do not use duplicate and copy-paste content
  18. Submit your article on the article and social submission site

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