Blogger SEO Settings You Need To Know

Hello Guys Today's article will prove to be very beneficial for you if you are a Blogger.

Because in this article you will be given information about the complete Blogger SEO setting, which will prove useful for you.

In this article, we will know about all the important settings of blogger, which is very important to do in your blogger.

If you make complete settings of your blogger then it is helpful for your blogger blog.

So without wasting time, know about the complete seo setting of blogger, So let's start.


Basic Setting



Whenever our blog shows up in the search engine, our blog is identified by the title of our blog.

That's why you should create your blog title.


Whenever there is a show in our blog title search engine, then the description of our blog is also shown simultaneously.

If we do not show the description of our blog

So it is not only better than the seo point of you of our blog, but it also affects our blog ranking.

You must add your blog description.

Blog Language

This is a basic setting. In this, you set the language of your blog

This will be the language in which your blog will be, select the language in which you write your blog content.

In the seo setting of the blogger blog, in this basic setting, you can also add title, description, and meta tags of blog language to your blogger template.


For this, you add the meta tag below in the head section of your blogger template.

<meta content = 'Your Blog Title' name = 'title' />

<meta content = 'Your Blog Description' name = 'description' />

<meta content = 'Language Name' name = 'language' />

Privacy Settings


If you want your blog to be visible in search engines, then enable the privacy setting of your blogger, visible to search engines.

Enabling this makes your blog visible in the search engine.

If you want your blog to be recognized by people, then you should enable it.

Publishing Settings


In this setting, you can set the domain of your blog. If you have a custom domain then the following setting must be done

Custom Domain

When we create our blog in blogger then we get the domain.

But if you do another custom domain purchase for your blog, then it must be added to the custom domain section of the blogger.

Redirect domain

Often you will see that you search any URL. Then in that if the URL next to www. If not put, that URL still opens.

If you also want to enable these settings in your blog, then you should also redirect your domain.

Like is redirected to

If we search then it will be redirected and open on

HTTPS Settings


If you want to redirect your blog from HTTP to HTTPS, then enable HTTPS availability and HTTPS redirect in your blogger settings.

You must enable this setting, it opens your blog on https. Which is necessary for the seo of your blog.

Posts Settings


If you want to make the settings related to your blog post, then you can do the following settings below.

Max Posts Shown On Main Page

If you want to show as many posts on the home page of your blog, then you can show it through this setting.

From this setting of your blog, you can change the show post of the home page of your blog.

Whichever post you want will be visible on your home page.

Post Template (optional)

Whenever you are ready for your post, you often write the same post format again and again.

But if you want that whenever the post is ready, then you do not have to make the same post format repeatedly

In this feature, you can make formatting your blog post and save it.

Whenever you are ready for your post, then you will get ready from post format before.



Through formatting, you can arrange the time and date format of your blog.

You can also manage the time zone of your blog with the help of this.

You can do the following setting in formating

  • Time zone
  • Date header format
  • Archive-index date format
  • Timestamp format
  • Comment timestamp format

Meta tag

A meta tag is very important for any blog. Meta tags are the most useful if you look at the blogger from the seo point of view.

Meta tag is information about your blog content and the search engine gets information about your blog through the meta tag of your blog.

Enable Search Description


You must enable this setting of blogger

To enable this, you should go to the meta-tag section of your blogger settings and enable Enable search description.

Whenever you enable this, a box of search description will be visible below.

In which you can add a search description of your blog.

Crawlers and Indexing


In search engines, crawling and indexing of your blog is based on these Crawlers and indexing settings.

You must do this setting and do it carefully.

In this setting, you can do the following setting for your blogger blog.

  • Enable custom robots.txt
  • Custom robots.txt
  • Enable custom robots header tags
  • Home page tags
  • Archive and search page tags
  • Post and page tags

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